Best programming and hacker quotes. Ever.
Curated by fellow hackers Jarmo Pertman & Andri Möll
Re graphics: A picture is worth 10K words - but only those to describe the picture. Hardly any sets of 10K words can be adequately described with pictures.
Alan J. Perlis
Adapting old programs to fit new machines usually means adapting new machines to behave like old ones.
Alan J. Perlis
I think Microsoft named .Net so it wouldn't show up in a Unix directory listing.
Fast, Cheap, Reliable: Pick any two.
Programmer - an organism that turns coffee into software.
It goes against the grain of modern education to teach children to program. What fun is there in making plans, acquiring discipline in organizing thoughts, devoting attention to detail and learning to be self-critical?
Alan J. Perlis
Behind Every Successful Coder, there'an even more successful De-Coder to understand that Code.
If C didn't exist, we would be programming in OBOL, PASAL or BASI
Process is no substitute for synaptic activity.
Jeff DeLuca
Profanity is the one language all programmers know best.